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The Jacoby Consulting Group Blog

Welcome to the Jacoby Consulting Group blog.
You will immediately notice that this blog covers a wide range of themes - in fact, whatever takes my fancy or whatever I feel strongly about that is current or topical. Although themes may relate to business, corporate or organisational issues (i.e. the core talents of JCG), they also cover issues on which JCG also feels warranted to comment, such as social issues, my books, other peoples' books and so on. You need to know that comments are moderated - not to stifle disagreement - but rather to eliminate obnoxious or incendiary comments. If a reader wishes to pursue any specific theme in more detail, specifically in relation to corporate, business or organisational issues, or in relation to my books, then the reader is invited to send an off-line email with a request. A prompt response is promised. I hope you enjoy this blog - sometimes informed, sometimes amused and sometimes empassioned. Welcome and enjoy.

22 May 2011

How to confront a "wayward" CEO

1. Confront the reality of the situation.

2. If it is currently "secret", assume it won't be for much longer.

3. Establish the facts of the situation.

4. If the CEO's behaviour can be remedied, then begin remedial action immediately you have established a remedial strategy. Develop a public statement for circulation if and when required.

5. If the CEO's  behaviour cannot be remedied (and the ramifications will negatively affect the corporation while the CEO remains), then dismiss the CEO and appoint a temporary CEO. Catch your breath and find the best person for the job.

6. Ask yourself (i.e. the board) why the behaviour was able to occur; and what needs to be done now to avoid a repeat.)

7. Start intensive cultural change initiatives if they are indicated.

8. At all times be honest; confirm your belief in your employee's honesty, integrity, intent and morality; ensure that your organisation's cultural management disciplines are as good as you can make them.


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