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You will immediately notice that this blog covers a wide range of themes - in fact, whatever takes my fancy or whatever I feel strongly about that is current or topical. Although themes may relate to business, corporate or organisational issues (i.e. the core talents of JCG), they also cover issues on which JCG also feels warranted to comment, such as social issues, my books, other peoples' books and so on. You need to know that comments are moderated - not to stifle disagreement - but rather to eliminate obnoxious or incendiary comments. If a reader wishes to pursue any specific theme in more detail, specifically in relation to corporate, business or organisational issues, or in relation to my books, then the reader is invited to send an off-line email with a request. A prompt response is promised. I hope you enjoy this blog - sometimes informed, sometimes amused and sometimes empassioned. Welcome and enjoy.

04 December 2013

On Israel

Regardless of its religious claims, Jews have been persecuted for thousands of years merely for being Jews and have never had a home to call their own. Jews learned the seriousness of words and concepts expressed by leaders – the Nazi period will be etched on the consciousness of every Jew for all time. It will be as an important marker in the history of Jews, as is the period of enslavement in Egypt.  

That Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah have stated that they wish to eliminate both Israel and all Jews resonates all too clearly. This is not a religious argument, but a racist one. Murderers and potential murderers using Palestine as an excuse to annihilate a whole people should not be tolerated by anyone – regardless of the arguable ‘sins of the Israelis’.

That Israel finds it hard to extract peace is because Israel doesn’t trust any Muslim state (and recently most European countries), regardless of current relationships. It has a good relationship with Jordan, but that could change at any moment – just look at Egypt.

Life is looking very bleak for Jews around the world. The cancer of anti-Semitism is growing at an alarming rate everywhere.
I’m not sure what everyone is thinking here – but once the Muslim (and non-Muslim anti-Semites) rid the earth of Jews, which minority will they come after next?

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