Zealots among the zealots
The Taliban have at last released the South Korean hostages. I am sure that most people have breathed a sigh of gratitude and feel great relief in their hearts for the released hostages.
But let’s think for a moment about what happened here. A group of Christian zealots decided to conduct missionary activities to convert non-Christians in the non-Christians’ own country where non-Christians represent the vast majority of the population.
Regardless of what you think of Muslims (and their own band of zealots); what incredible arrogance for Christians to enter a land inhabited by non-Christians and attempt to convert them to their brand of zealotry!
Religious testosterone has reared its ugly head once again in the form of “The fiction that is the creation of my god is better than the fiction that is the creation of your god. “
When Karl Marx said that religion was the opiate of the masses, he was on the right track but understated its impact: it is not an opiate of the masses, it is a social carcinogen.
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